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Once the github repository is cloned, let's try to understand what is going on.

Server Setup

The Voxelize server runs mainly on the voxelize crate. We will also be using:

  • actix-web for network/websocket handling.
  • specs for the central Entity Component System.
voxelize = "*"
actix-web = "*"
specs = {version = "*", features = ["specs-derive", "serde"]}

Client Setup

The client-side npm package of Voxelize is called @voxelize/core. Voxelize uses three.js for the 3D rendering. As you can see in the template, they have been added to our project in the package.json file.

"dependencies": {
"@voxelize/core": "**",
"three": "*"

Now you're ready to start developing! Remember, the finished version of this tutorial can be find here if you are stuck.