Metadata Processing
In Voxelize, metadata is a way to keep entities and players in sync with the server. Essentially, metadata is a JSON serializable object that contains the individual components that the entity itself possesses. For example, a player entity might have a position component, a rotation component, and a health component. These components are stored in the metadata object, and whenever these individual components are changed, the metadata object is updated and sent to the client.
Defining Metadata
Metadata uses the MetadataComp
component on the server. This component internally has a map of String
to serde_json::Value
. The String
is the name of the component, and the serde_json::Value
is the value of the component. For example, the PositionComp
might look like this:
let mut metadata = MetadataComp::new();
metadata.set::<PositionComp>("position", position);
By calling set
and passing in a type that implements both Component
from specs
and DeserializeOwned
from serde
, the metadata will be updated with the new serialized value.
Similarly, you can call get
to retrieve the value of a component:
let position = metadata.get::<PositionComp>("position").unwrap_or_default();
Handling Metadata
Metadata is handled differently for peers and entities.
For peers, aka players, metadata is by default handled by the PeersMetaSystem
, which automatically adds in these components to the players' metadata:
: This is added asposition
in the metadataNameComp
: This is added asusername
in the metadataDirectionComp
: This is added asdirection
in the metadata
For entities, metadata is handled by the EntitiesMetaSystem
, which automatically adds in these components to the entities' metadata:
: This is added asposition
in the metadata
When a new component is defined and should be added to the metadata system, you can define your own system that handles this similar process. For example, if you wanted to add a HealthComp
to the metadata, you could do something like this:
use specs::{System, ReadStorage, WriteStorage, Join, Component, VecStorage};
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
#[derive(Component, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct HealthComp(pub u32);
struct HealthMetaSystem;
impl<'a> System<'a> for HealthMetaSystem {
type SystemData = (
ReadStorage<'a, HealthComp>,
WriteStorage<'a, MetadataComp>,
fn run(&mut self, (healths, mut metadatas): Self::SystemData) {
use rayon::prelude::*;
use specs::ParJoin;
(&healths, &mut metadatas).par_join().for_each(|(health, metadata)| {
metadata.set::<HealthComp>("health", health);
let mut world = World::new();
After these, read on how to customize the ECS systems dispatcher in order to add in HealthMetaSystem
to the dispatcher.