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Create the Server

A Voxelize server is a very powerful HTTP based web server that handles most of the heavy-lifting you see in a Voxelize app, such as world terrain generation and meshing. These tasks are done on the server-side in a multi-threaded fashion, so that we can ensure the best user experience on the client-side.

Go to server/

use voxelize::{Server, Voxelize};

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()>{
let server = Server::new().port(4000).build();


In this code snippet, we create a server running at port 4000. We will be adding more configurations later on.

Now, we can run npm run server which internally runs cargo run. This server should now be running on http://localhost:4000, and you'll see something like below in the terminal.

Server Start


The idiomatic builder pattern is heavily used in Voxelize!