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Register Blocks

A voxel world contains tens of millions of blocks, with each block having its own properties and different ways of rendering. Thus, after creating a server, we should register the block types that are used across this server.

In Voxelize, each server has a set of blocks that the developer defines. These blocks are managed by a registry, and are shared across all worlds in the same server.

Create a Registry

Let's create our example registry, registering two blocks to it:

use voxelize::{Block, Registry, Server, Voxelize};

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let mut registry = Registry::new();

let dirt = Block::new("Dirt").id(1).build();
let stone = Block::new("Stone").id(2).build();
let grass_block = Block::new("Grass Block").id(3).build();

registry.register_blocks(&[dirt, stone, grass_block]);

let server = Server::new().port(4000).registry(&registry).build();


Just like that, we have registered three blocks on the server side. These blocks are now available in every world within the server, so let's create the worlds now.


To further understand block customization, check out this tutorial.