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Voxelize uses websockets under the hood, and multiplayer functionality is actually already built into the engine. You can implement the client-side multiplayer by simply using VOXELIZE.Peers. It is possible to customize and use your own mesh for other players' meshes. For this tutorial, we'll just use the Voxelize characters.

const peers = new VOXELIZE.Peers(rigidControls.object);

peers.createPeers = createCharacter;

peers.onPeerUpdate = (peer, data) => {
peer.set(data.position, data.direction);


// ...

function animate() {
if (world.isInitialized) {
// ...

Here, we pass in the rigidControls's object, which is just the camera. This is used to send back this client's current position every frame to update all the other clients. Also, the peer.set is using the Character.set, which updates the Voxelize characters.

That's it, now you have multiplayer!