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Player Control

Since Voxelize is built with ThreeJS, any camera controller would theoretically work perfectly. Voxelize does provide developers a well-rounded physics-based controller to walk run and jump around the voxel world, which is the VOXELIZE.RigidControls. RigidControls actually uses the ThreeJS PointerLockControls internally.

const inputs = new VOXELIZE.Inputs();

const rigidControls = new VOXELIZE.RigidControls(
initialPosition: [0, 40, 0],
rigidControls.connect(inputs); // Register the keybindings

// ...

function animate() {
// ...

if (world.isInitialized) {
// ...

With this, you can now navigate around the voxelize world and should see something as below:

All the blocks below are currently still question marks, this is the default texture in Voxelize. We will add texture in the next chapter!

Add Flight Controls

Let's quickly add the ability to toggle fly or ghost mode with f or g key presses.

inputs.bind('g', rigidControls.toggleGhostMode);
inputs.bind('f', rigidControls.toggleFly);

input.bind binds the key press to a given function, which in this case is rigidControls.toggleGhostMode and rigidControls.toggleFly. Now, try flying out and around. The world should generate the chunks around you on the spot!